Thanks to the Early Morning Centre, its staff and volunteers

08 July 2015

Canberrans know just how important the Early Morning Centre is in providing support for people in need in our community and in July 2015 the Centre celebrated its 10th anniversary.

The Centre provides around 4,500 nutritious breakfasts each six months and guests can also access emergency food packages, but it does much more than providing breakfasts.

It offers dignity to its guests in the way gives support. It is respectful, it understands how meaningful their relationship is to individuals visit and that’s powerful stuff.

But it’s also a vital link in the ACT Specialist Homelessness System working closely with St Vincent de Paul’s Street to Home Program which actively engages with people sleeping rough and with First Point, the Central Access Service for the homelessness sector.

It also supported the Ted Noffs Foundation with access to office space when they lost their office space due to a fire.

It operates as a drop-in centre, providing individual case management and information and referral services - as well as shower, laundry, personal storage and mail collection facilities.

The Centre is vital in providing accessible pathways to services and support as well as fostering greater social inclusion and participation for those most in need in our community.

The Centre has helped countless Canberrans over these 10 years providing a respectful, welcoming and safe place to get help.

It’s also a strong voice and I know has had some great success with its advocacy work.

Without this type of support many people would be further marginalized and excluded from vital services they need.

The Early Morning Centre is a great example of the spirit, hope and goodwill of Canberrans, particularly when thinking about the Centre’s committed staff, volunteers and Friends of the Early Morning Centre, who give so much of their time to give a hand up to those in need.

The support the centre receives epitomizes the community spirit and goodwill of the Early Morning Centre.

It’s this type of goodwill and partnership that makes such a positive difference for so many people in our community.

I truly value your ideals and how hard you work to create a warm safe space with friendly people who are respectful and responsive to individual needs.

I want to thank you for giving me the chance to volunteer and experience that as well.

I acknowledge the support the Early Morning Centre receives from community partners and I look forward to the ACT Government’s continued partnership to support your work and support those in need in our community.

So thank you to the Early Morning Centre, its staff and volunteers for your commitment, compassion and hard work and congratulations on your 10thanniversary.

To find out more or show your support for the Early Morning Centre visit: